Online Learning from Mote Oo Education
Online Textbooks
Mote Oo's textbooks redesigned for asynchronous self study
Online Trainings
Mote Oo trainings offered as online, open courses
Audio and Video
Additional audio and video files to expand upon existing materials
Self-Study Courses
Short courses based on Mote Oo books for busy teachers
Why not try some of our course?
Module 3:
Learning Skills
The aim of this book is to help you develop and practice learning skills like communication, working with other people and critically
analyzing arguments. These skills are not only useful for study they are also useful for work and in everyday life.
Module 4:
Social Science and Humanities
This module looks at the two interconnected subject areas of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Within microeconomics, it considers core concepts such as goods and services and supply and demand, and briefly explores the idea of ‘the market’. Within macroeconomics, it examines issues that relate to the economics of whole countries, such as inflation, taxation, imports and exports and free trade and protectionism.
Module 1:
This module looks at: the history of the region. This should give learners an understanding of the events and ideas that led up to the creation of ASEAN, including the colonial period, World War II and the Cold War.
We are building a learning management system (LMS). It will contain our books, and also host online courses. It will be open source – others will be able to adapt and add content. It will be fast and easy to use, especially on mobile devices.
Now Available: ASEAN and Learning Skills
We have identified two popular books to put online in the early stages of ReMoteOo.
Note: Currently, we do not know how easy it will be to put Myanmar language content on the LMS. Once the English language pilot is complete, we can explore the best way to add Myanmar language resources.

ASEAN is a social science course. It looks at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations from many perspectives – historical, geographical, economic and political. It aims to give learners a broad understanding of the role that ASEAN has in their lives and communities.

Learning Skills
Learning Skills is a course for adult learners. It will equip you with skills and strategies that you need to bridge the gap between traditional schooling and life-long learning. It is particularly suitable for post-secondary and tertiary-level students who want an introduction to academic skills and culture
Follow us on YouTube for more content
Occasionally, we will be putting useful short videos on our YouTube channel